4 Seasons Merino Duvet Set
4 Seasons Merino Duvet Set
4 Seasons Merino Duvet Set
4 Seasons Merino Duvet Set
4 Seasons Merino Duvet Set
4 Seasons Merino Duvet Set
4 Seasons Merino Duvet Set
4 Seasons Merino Duvet Set
4 Seasons Merino Duvet Set
4 Seasons Merino Duvet Set
4 Seasons Merino Duvet Set
4 Seasons Merino Duvet Set

4 Seasons Merino Duvet Set

The Light Duvet and the Medium Duvet tightened together to form a 14 TOG Winter Duvet

Handcrafted with love. You get warmth, temperature regulation, and breathability in this signature handmade product. Controls moisture while you sleep.

Wonderful sleep comes from carefully selected natural materials.

Made with 100% Pure Merino Wool 150+300 g/m2 and 100% Organic Cotton, this Valeria Home Duvet Set is a long-term investment in your quality of sleep.

Thermal insulation:

The Merino Wool Warm Duvet has equivalent to approximately 2-15 Tog thermal insulation. It is comfortable for bedroom temperatures between 16 and 26 ℃.

We used two layers of Merino Wool inside. This way air is trapped between layers and the thermal insulation is increased. This structure is perfect for winter nights.

Benefits of using a pure merino wool duvet:

- Hypoallergenic and anti-mites;
- Naturally insulating material, excellent moisture control, high in air-permeability;
- Helps regulate body temperature, achieving a peaceful, good night's sleep through the night, in all seasons.

Duvet Size
  • 140x200 cm
  • 160x200 cm
  • 160X220 cm
  • 180x200 cm
  • 200x200 cm
  • 200x220 cm
  • 240x220 cm
  • 260x240 cm
  • Emperor 290x230 cm
  • Twin/Twin XL 64''x90''
  • Full/Queen 90''x90''
  • King / Cal King 104''x90''
Tax included


antimoliiTERPESHIELD anti-moth treatment

We have replaced the chemical dust mite treatment with Terpeshield, a natural mixture of pure essential oils that ensure protection and aromatherapy. Geraniol and Linalool are natural terpenes found in pure essential oils obtained from plants by steam distillation.

Anti-insecticide and anti-fungal role of Terpeshield:

  • Removes the moths and their larvae from the clean natural wool 
  • Drives insects and dust mites away - Prevents the appearance of fungi and mold 
  • Neutralizes bad odors

The Terpeshield aromatherapy:

  • Diminishes stress and increases focus and alertness 
  • Takes away muscle pain, migraine, indigestion, and inflammation 
  • Extremely efficient against insomnia, anxiety, and palpitations

The Geraniol and Linalool can be found in fruits, vegetables, spices, or plants such as geranium, lemongrass, lily of the valley, lavender, etc. The washing tests carried out in the lab showed that no active residues were found in the washing water or the rinsing water with which the textile products are Terpeshield treated.

The Terpeshield wool treatment does not contain phthalates, permethrins (usually known as Nix), endocrine disruptors, or other insecticides or chemical pesticides. Moreover, the treatment process does not consume thermal energy.

multilayerThe multi-layer structure

We are using bates of wool that are wave-shaped and multi-layer arranged. This way, we can prevent overcrowding or the migration of the wool inside the product. The wool layers present a density of 150-300g/sqm, the winter duvets contain two or more wool layers. 

For the pillows, we are using the same method, arranging the wool not to migrate inside the pillow, preventing the overcrowding of the wool in time.

organic cottonFiber-proof cotton fabric

The oxygen-bleached organic cotton fabric means fewer allergies

The organic cotton fabric is not coated (no polymer layer is applied) to prevent the migration of the fibers or feathers used for the manufacturing of the traditional pillows. The organic cotton fabric we are using prevents the wool fibers to migrate inside the fabric (dense fabric made out of very fine yarns). Moreover, mechanical processes are also prevented. The lack of this coating enables the air and moisture flow, significantly minimizing perspiration.


  • Lightweight 
  • Non-allergic and anti-mites 
  • Naturally insulating material 
  • High in air-permeability 
  • Helps regulate body temperature, achieving a peaceful, good night's sleep through the night, in all seasons

caring for woolCaring for your wool duvet:

Our Valeria Home Merino Wool Collection is entirely natural, so shouldn't need cleaning often (simply airing it out can do the world of good). When the weather is appropriate, expose the products to sunlight to wick away the natural moisture that appeared overnight. Furthermore, it should be taken into account that UV light is a high-power disinfectant.

We would recommend gentle dry cleaning - spot cleaning only. Do not tumble dry. Use the duvet only with a duvet cover. 

lanolinLanolin- the wool’s scent

The merino wool that we use for our Valeria Home products is a pure natural ecological wool, 100% pure. Our wool is obtained from sheep that are raised with no antibiotics, hormones, or other chemical treatments. For the cleaning and washing process, we have replaced the usual detergents with ecological ones to prevent vegetation, dust, and excess fat. The result confines in a noble, clean wool that does not have its characteristic pungent odor.

We do not clean the wool by soaking it in sulfuric acid to remove the vegetable matter from the wool. Usually, this sulfuric-acid bath removes the lanolin, the substance responsible for the therapeutic benefits of the wool.

In our cleaning process, the vegetable matter that remains in the wool is removed once again using a special mechanic technology for combing the wool.

The wool we are using in our Valeria Home products has lanolin in the fibers. Lanolin has its characteristic odor, ”wool smell”, which in time fades (during the first weeks). The smell of the lanolin represents a certainty of the therapeutic benefits of the products made out of wool.

We do recommend the ventilation of the products 24-48 hours before the first use, in sunlight.

4 Seasons
Filling Material
Merino Wool
Bedroom temperature
17-21 ℃
Rated 5.00 on the scale 1 - 5 based on 7 customer reviews

O pilota superba ce se poate folosi în orice anotimp.

Îmi plac mult produsele Valeria Home. Am cautat multă vreme pilote de lana datorita proprietăților antialergice, dar tot ce am găsit pe piața a fost dezamăgitor din punct de vedere al calității, asta pana am gasit pilotele Valeria Home. Superbe! Da, prețul este media pieței, dar calitatea își spune cuvântul. Livrarea, împachetarea și calitatea produselor ma face sa ma întorc mereu la site-ul Valeria Home în căutare de produse noi și de promoții ;-)

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Exceptional Products

I received the package with the ordered products and I had a very pleasant surprise. The whole experience was so enjoyable. The customer service department was very focused on my needs and prompt. The delivery of the order took much less than I expected. When I opened the package I had several surprises again, the materials are of very good quality, a tactile delight and the workmanship is flawless, each seam carefully made, without the slightest defect or imperfection. It can be seen that these people are attentive to details. I ordered the quilt for 4 seasons, but I only use one of them, it is much warmer than I expected. In addition to the order, I also received a gift and a very nice gift, made of wool. when I need more beds, duvets, pillows or toppers, I know where to turn. A very pleasant experience!<br /> J'ai reçu le colis avec les produits commandés et j'ai eu une très agréable surprise. L'expérience entière était si agréable. Le service client était très concentré sur mes besoins et rapide. La livraison de la commande a pris beaucoup moins que ce à quoi je m'attendais. Quand j'ai ouvert l'emballage j'ai eu à nouveau plusieurs surprises, les matériaux sont de très bonne qualité, un délice tactile et la finition est irréprochable, chaque couture réalisée avec soin, sans le moindre défaut ni imperfection. On voit que ces personnes sont attentives aux détails. J'ai commandé la couette pour 4 saisons, mais je n'en utilise qu'une seule, il fait beaucoup plus chaud que ce à quoi je m'attendais. En plus de la commande, j'ai également reçu un cadeau et un très joli cadeau, en laine. quand j'ai besoin de plus de lits, de couettes, d'oreillers ou de surmatelas, je sais vers qui me tourner. Une expérience très agréable!<br /> Ho ricevuto il pacco con i prodotti ordinati e ho avuto una piacevolissima sorpresa. L'intera esperienza è stata così piacevole. Il dipartimento del servizio clienti era molto concentrato sulle mie esigenze e tempestivo. La consegna dell'ordine ha richiesto molto meno di quanto mi aspettassi. Quando ho aperto la confezione ho avuto di nuovo diverse sorprese, i materiali sono di ottima qualità, una delizia tattile e la lavorazione è impeccabile, ogni cucitura è realizzata con cura, senza il minimo difetto o imperfezione. Si può vedere che queste persone sono attente ai dettagli. Ho ordinato la trapunta per 4 stagioni, ma ne uso solo una, è molto più calda di quanto mi aspettassi. Oltre all'ordine, ho ricevuto anche un regalo e un regalo molto carino, fatto di lana. quando ho bisogno di più letti, piumoni, cuscini o topper, so a chi rivolgermi. Un'esperienza molto piacevole!<br /> Ich erhielt das Paket mit den bestellten Produkten und hatte eine sehr angenehme Überraschung. Die ganze Erfahrung war so angenehm. Die Kundendienstabteilung war sehr auf meine Bedürfnisse und meine Schnelligkeit ausgerichtet. Die Lieferung der Bestellung dauerte viel weniger als ich erwartet hatte. Als ich die Verpackung öffnete, hatte ich wieder einige Überraschungen, die Materialien sind von sehr guter Qualität, eine taktile Freude und die Verarbeitung ist einwandfrei, jede Naht sorgfältig hergestellt, ohne den geringsten Mangel oder die Unvollkommenheit. Es ist zu sehen, dass diese Leute auf Details achten. Ich habe den Quilt für 4 Jahreszeiten bestellt, aber ich benutze nur einen davon, er ist viel wärmer als ich erwartet hatte. Neben der Bestellung erhielt ich auch ein Geschenk und ein sehr schönes Geschenk aus Wolle. Wenn ich mehr Betten, Bettdecken, Kissen oder Topper brauche, weiß ich, wohin ich mich wenden muss. Eine sehr angenehme Erfahrung!<br /> Am pimit pachetul cu produsele comandate si am avut o surpriza foarte placuta. intreaga experienta a fost atat de placuta. Departamentul relatii cu clientii a fost foarte orientat pe necesitatile mele si prompt. Expedierea comenzii a durat mult mai putin decat ma asteptam. Cand am deschis pachetul am avut din nou mai multe surprize, materiele sunt de foarte buna calitate, o desfatare tactila si manopera este fara cusur, fiecare cusatura atent facuta, fara nici cel mai mic defect sau imperfectiune. se vede ca oamenii acestia sunt atenti la detalii. eu am comandat pilota 4 anotimpuri, dar folosesc doar una din ele, e mult mai calduroasa decat ma asteptam. In afara de comanda am mai primit cadou si un martisor tare frumos, din lana. cand voi mai avea nevoie de paturi, pilote, perne sau topper-uri, stiu unde sa apelez. O experienta tare placuta!<br /> Έλαβα το πακέτο με τα παραγγελθέντα προϊόντα και είχα μια πολύ ευχάριστη έκπληξη. Η όλη εμπειρία ήταν τόσο ευχάριστη. Το τμήμα εξυπηρέτησης πελατών επικεντρώθηκε πολύ στις ανάγκες και τις ανάγκες μου. Η παράδοση της παραγγελίας πήρε πολύ λιγότερο από ό, τι περίμενα. Όταν άνοιξα το πακέτο είχα και πάλι πολλές εκπλήξεις, τα υλικά είναι πολύ καλής ποιότητας, μια απλή απόλαυση και η κατασκευή είναι άψογη, κάθε ραφή προσεκτικά κατασκευασμένη, χωρίς το παραμικρό ελάττωμα ή ατέλεια. Μπορεί να φανεί ότι αυτοί οι άνθρωποι είναι προσεκτικοί στις λεπτομέρειες. Παρήγγειλα το πάπλωμα για 4 σεζόν, αλλά χρησιμοποιώ μόνο μία από αυτές, είναι πολύ πιο ζεστό από ό, τι περίμενα. Εκτός από την παραγγελία, έλαβα επίσης ένα δώρο και ένα πολύ ωραίο δώρο, κατασκευασμένο από μαλλί. όταν χρειάζομαι περισσότερα κρεβάτια, παπλώματα, μαξιλάρια ή καλύμματα, ξέρω πού να γυρίσω. μια πολύ ευχάριστη εμπειρία!<br /> Получих пакета с поръчаните продукти и имах много приятна изненада. Цялото преживяване беше толкова приятно. Отделът за обслужване на клиенти беше много фокусиран върху моите нужди и бързи. Доставката на поръчката отне много по-малко, отколкото очаквах. Когато отворих опаковката, отново имах няколко изненади, материалите са с много добро качество, тактилна наслада и изработката е безупречна, всеки шев е направен внимателно, без ни най-малък дефект или несъвършенство. Вижда се, че тези хора са внимателни към детайлите. Поръчах юргана за 4 сезона, но използвам само един от тях, той е много по-топъл, отколкото очаквах. В допълнение към поръчката получих и подарък и много хубав подарък, изработен от вълна. когато имам нужда от още легла, завивки, възглавници или покривки, знам къде да се обърна. Много приятно изживяване!

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Highly Satisfactory

I bought a 4-season duvet and a pillow! I am very satisfied with the quality of the products! The duvets are very light, but warm at the same time! A pleasant surprise was the way the products were packaged! You can see the attention for details. I'm sure I'll be back for more orders! Congratulations Valeria Home!<br /> J'ai acheté une couette 4 saisons et un oreiller! Je suis très satisfait de la qualité des produits! Les couettes sont très légères, mais chaudes en même temps! Une agréable surprise a été la façon dont les produits ont été emballés! Vous pouvez voir l'attention pour les détails. Je suis sûr que je reviendrai pour plus de commandes! Félicitations à Valeria Home!<br /> Ho comprato un piumone 4 stagioni e un cuscino! Sono molto soddisfatto della qualità dei prodotti! I piumini sono leggerissimi, ma caldi allo stesso tempo! Una piacevole sorpresa è stata il modo in cui i prodotti sono stati confezionati! Puoi vedere l'attenzione ai dettagli. Sono sicuro che tornerò per altri ordini! Congratulazioni Valeria Home!<br /> Ich kaufte eine 4-Jahreszeiten-Bettdecke und ein Kissen! Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit der Qualität der Produkte! Die Bettdecken sind sehr leicht, aber gleichzeitig warm! Eine angenehme Überraschung war die Art und Weise, wie die Produkte verpackt wurden! Sie können die Aufmerksamkeit für Details sehen. Ich bin sicher, ich komme wieder, um weitere Bestellungen zu erhalten! Glückwunsch Valeria Home!<br /> Am cumparat pilota 4 anotimpuri si o perna! Sunt foarte multumita de calitatea produselor! Pilotele sunt foarte usoare,dar calduroase in acelasi timp! O surpriza placuta a fost si modul de ambalare a produselor! Se vede atentia pentru detalii. Sunt sigura ca o sa mai revin pentru alte comenzi! Felicitari Valeria Home!<br /> Αγόρασα παπλώματα 4 σεζόν και μαξιλάρι! Είμαι πολύ ικανοποιημένος με την ποιότητα των προϊόντων! Τα παπλώματα είναι πολύ ελαφριά, αλλά ταυτόχρονα ζεστά! Μια ευχάριστη έκπληξη ήταν ο τρόπος συσκευασίας των προϊόντων! Μπορείτε να δείτε την προσοχή για λεπτομέρειες. Είμαι σίγουρος ότι θα επιστρέψω για περισσότερες παραγγελίες! Συγχαρητήρια Valeria Home!<br /> Купих си 4-сезонна завивка и възглавница! Много съм доволна от качеството на продуктите! Завивките са много леки, но същевременно топли! Приятна изненада беше начинът на пакетиране на продуктите! Можете да видите вниманието за подробности. Сигурен съм, че ще се върна за още поръчки! Поздравления Valeria Home!

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Best Duvet

Exceptional quality, worth every penny! Pleasant smell of wool and lavender! I'll be back for pillows! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!<br /> Une qualité exceptionnelle, qui vaut chaque centime! Agréable odeur de laine et de lavande! Je reviendrai chercher des oreillers! Merci du fond du coeur!<br /> Qualità eccezionale, vale ogni centesimo! Piacevole profumo di lana e lavanda! Tornerò per i cuscini! Grazie dal profondo del mio cuore!<br /> Außergewöhnliche Qualität, jeden Cent wert! Angenehmer Geruch nach Wolle und Lavendel! Ich werde für Kissen zurück sein! Vielen Dank von ganzem Herzen!<br /> Calitate exceptională,merită fiecare bănuț! Miros plăcut de lână si levănțică!Voi reveni pentru perne!Mulțumesc din suflet!<br /> Εξαιρετική ποιότητα, αξίζει κάθε δεκάρα! Ευχάριστη μυρωδιά μαλλιού και λεβάντας! Θα επιστρέψω για μαξιλάρια! Ευχαριστώ από την καρδιά μου!<br /> Изключително качество, на стойност всяка стотинка! Приятна миризма на вълна и лавандула! Ще се върна за възглавници! Благодаря ви от сърце!<br />

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It's great

I wholeheartedly recommend, I bought a duvet and two pillows. For two days I use the duvet is warm it felt wonderful good.<br /> Je recommande de tout cœur, j'ai acheté une couette et deux oreillers. Pendant deux jours, j'utilise la couette, c'est chaud, ça fait du bien.<br /> Lo consiglio vivamente, ho comprato un piumone e due cuscini. Per due giorni ho usato il piumone è caldo, è stato meraviglioso.<br /> Ich empfehle von ganzem Herzen, ich kaufte eine Bettdecke und zwei Kissen. Für zwei Tage benutze ich die Bettdecke ist warm, es fühlte sich wunderbar gut an.<br /> Recomand din toată inima ,am cumpărat o plapuma și doua pernii .De doua zile folosesc plapuma este călduroasă m-a simpt minunat de bine.<br /> Συνιστώ ολόψυχα, αγόρασα ένα πάπλωμα και δύο μαξιλάρια. Για δύο μέρες που χρησιμοποιώ το πάπλωμα είναι ζεστό, ένιωσα υπέροχο.<br /> Препоръчвам от сърце, купих си юрган и две възглавници. В продължение на два дни използвам юргана е топло, чувствах се страхотно.

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