Merino Warm Duvet
This is more than just a beautiful duvet, it's the full package, delivering an incredible night's sleep. You get warmth, temperature regulation, and breathability in this signature handmade product. Controls moisture while you sleep.
Wonderful sleep comes from carefully selected natural materials.
Made with 100% Pure Merino Wool 450 g/m2 and 100% Organic Cotton, this Valeria Home Duvet is a long-term investment in your quality of sleep.
Thermal insulation:
The Merino Wool Winter Duvet has equivalent to approximately 9-12 Tog thermal insulation. It is comfortable for bedroom temperatures between 17 and 21℃.
We used three layers of Merino Wool inside. It is the perfect balance between air permeability and thermal insulation. This structure is perfect for Winter nights.
Benefits of using a pure merino wool duvet:
- Hypoallergenic and anti-mites;
- Naturally insulating material, excellent moisture control, high in air-permeability;
- Helps regulate body temperature, achieving a peaceful, good night's sleep through the night, in all seasons.
TERPESHIELD anti-moth treatment
We have replaced the chemical dust mite treatment with Terpeshield, a natural mixture of pure essential oils that ensure protection and aromatherapy. Geraniol and Linalool are natural terpenes found in pure essential oils obtained from plants by steam distillation.
Anti-insecticide and anti-fungal role of Terpeshield:
- Removes the moths and their larvae from the clean natural wool
- Drives insects and dust mites away - Prevents the appearance of fungi and mold
- Neutralizes bad odors
The Terpeshield aromatherapy:
- Diminishes stress and increases focus and alertness
- Takes away muscle pain, migraine, indigestion, and inflammation
- Extremely efficient against insomnia, anxiety, and palpitations
The Geraniol and Linalool can be found in fruits, vegetables, spices, or plants such as geranium, lemongrass, lily of the valley, lavender, etc. The washing tests carried out in the lab showed that no active residues were found in the washing water or the rinsing water with which the textile products are Terpeshield treated.
The Terpeshield wool treatment does not contain phthalates, permethrins (usually known as Nix), endocrine disruptors, or other insecticides or chemical pesticides. Moreover, the treatment process does not consume thermal energy.
The multi-layer structure
We are using bates of wool that are wave-shaped and multi-layer arranged. This way, we can prevent overcrowding or the migration of the wool inside the product. The wool layers present a density of 150-300g/sqm, the winter duvets contain two or more wool layers.
For the pillows, we are using the same method, arranging the wool not to migrate inside the pillow, preventing the overcrowding of the wool in time.
Fiber-proof cotton fabric
The oxygen-bleached organic cotton fabric means fewer allergies
The organic cotton fabric is not coated (no polymer layer is applied) to prevent the migration of the fibers or feathers used for the manufacturing of the traditional pillows. The organic cotton fabric we are using prevents the wool fibers to migrate inside the fabric (dense fabric made out of very fine yarns). Moreover, mechanical processes are also prevented. The lack of this coating enables the air and moisture flow, significantly minimizing perspiration.
- Lightweight
- Non-allergic and anti-mites
- Naturally insulating material
- High in air-permeability
- Helps regulate body temperature, achieving a peaceful, good night's sleep through the night, in all seasons
Caring for your wool duvet:
Our Valeria Home Merino Wool Collection is entirely natural, so shouldn't need cleaning often (simply airing it out can do the world of good). When the weather is appropriate, expose the products to sunlight to wick away the natural moisture that appeared overnight. Furthermore, it should be taken into account that UV light is a high-power disinfectant.
We would recommend gentle dry cleaning - spot cleaning only. Do not tumble dry. Use the duvet only with a duvet cover.
Lanolin- the wool’s scent
The merino wool that we use for our Valeria Home products is a pure natural ecological wool, 100% pure. Our wool is obtained from sheep that are raised with no antibiotics, hormones, or other chemical treatments. For the cleaning and washing process, we have replaced the usual detergents with ecological ones to prevent vegetation, dust, and excess fat. The result confines in a noble, clean wool that does not have its characteristic pungent odor.
We do not clean the wool by soaking it in sulfuric acid to remove the vegetable matter from the wool. Usually, this sulfuric-acid bath removes the lanolin, the substance responsible for the therapeutic benefits of the wool.
In our cleaning process, the vegetable matter that remains in the wool is removed once again using a special mechanic technology for combing the wool.
The wool we are using in our Valeria Home products has lanolin in the fibers. Lanolin has its characteristic odor, ”wool smell”, which in time fades (during the first weeks). The smell of the lanolin represents a certainty of the therapeutic benefits of the products made out of wool.
We do recommend the ventilation of the products 24-48 hours before the first use, in sunlight.
Eccellente qualità
Viviamo in Svizzera a 800m.s.l.m.Amiamo la natura.<br /> Abbiamo sempre usato due coperte di lana merinos e lenzuola di lino.<br /> In camera teniamo il riscaldamento spento e la finestra aperta .<br /> Ci piace dormire con l'aria fresca.<br /> Abbiamo ricevuto il nostro ordine appena prima cominciasse l'inverno.<br /> La nuova trapunta è un sogno. <br /> Caldissima ma leggerissima sembra di stare in una nuvola di panna. Complimenti a Valeria Home per la qualità dei prodotti e la disponibilità dei suo team.
Extremely Satisfied
As a person very cold, I sheltered until now under a thick heavy duvet - and made good business but was very heavy and sweating quite often. So I proceeded to look for an alternative. I turned attention first to duvets of down, but I saw some few, and little fly fuzz of them, cheap and also very expensive, but let's go back . I found the wool quilt as a possible option . There are several variants, but imported. For that I wanted a product and I opted for Valeria Home, which we see as having very many recommendations, which, admit I was looked suspicious, but I said to try, because I can send it back if I am not happy. I am glad I have tried quilts and pillows. The quilt is very lightweight, like those in down, fluffy , and very cozy. Best to squat under it with book ! and it smells very nice! Not as sheep, not as wool! contrary recommendations allow it to airy 24-48 hours before first use, I used it immediately. Thank you very much Valeria Home that you exist, that you do a job so good at a price, say I, fantastic ! <br /> En tant que personne très froide, je m'abritais jusqu'à présent sous une couette épaisse et épaisse - et faisais de bonnes affaires mais j'étais très lourde et transpirait assez souvent. J'ai donc cherché une alternative. Je me suis d'abord tourné vers les couettes de duvet, mais j'en ai vu quelques-unes, et des petites mouches, bon marché et aussi très chères, mais revenons en arrière. J'ai trouvé la courtepointe en laine comme option possible. Il existe plusieurs variantes, mais importées. Pour cela, je voulais un produit et j'ai opté pour Valeria Home, que nous considérons comme ayant de très nombreuses recommandations, qui, avouons que j'avais l'air suspect, mais j'ai dit d'essayer, car je peux le renvoyer si je ne suis pas content. Je suis content d'avoir essayé des couettes et des oreillers. La courtepointe est très légère, comme celles en duvet, moelleuse et très confortable. Mieux vaut s'accroupir en dessous avec un livre! et ça sent très bon! Pas comme des moutons, pas comme de la laine! les recommandations contraires lui permettent d'aérer 24 à 48 heures avant la première utilisation, je l'ai utilisé immédiatement. Merci beaucoup Valeria Home que vous existez, que vous faites un travail si bon à un prix, dis-je, fantastique!<br /> Essendo una persona molto fredda, fino ad ora mi sono riparata sotto uno spesso e pesante piumone - e ho fatto buoni affari, ma ero molto pesante e sudavo abbastanza spesso. Quindi ho proceduto a cercare un'alternativa. Ho rivolto l'attenzione prima ai piumini di piuma, ma ne ho visti alcuni, e poca peluria, economici e anche molto costosi, ma torniamo indietro. Ho trovato la trapunta di lana come una possibile opzione. Ci sono diverse varianti, ma importate. Per questo volevo un prodotto e ho optato per Valeria Home, che vediamo avere moltissimi consigli, che, ammetto, mi sembrava sospettoso, ma ho detto di provare, perché posso rimandarlo indietro se non sono contento. Sono contento di aver provato trapunte e cuscini. La trapunta è molto leggera, come quelle in piuma, soffice e molto accogliente. Meglio accovacciarsi sotto con il libro! e ha un profumo molto gradevole! Non come pecora, non come lana! le raccomandazioni contrarie gli permettono di arieggiare 24-48 ore prima del primo utilizzo, io l'ho usato subito. Grazie mille Valeria Home che esisti, che fai un lavoro così buono a un prezzo, dico io, fantastico!<br /> Als sehr kalte Person schützte ich mich bis jetzt unter einer dicken schweren Bettdecke - und machte gute Geschäfte, war aber sehr schwer und schwitzte ziemlich oft. Also suchte ich nach einer Alternative. Ich wandte mich zuerst den Daunendecken zu, aber ich sah einige wenige und kleine Fliegenfusseln von ihnen, billig und auch sehr teuer, aber gehen wir zurück. Ich fand die Wolldecke als mögliche Option. Es gibt mehrere Varianten, die jedoch importiert werden. Dafür wollte ich ein Produkt und entschied mich für Valeria Home, das unserer Ansicht nach sehr viele Empfehlungen enthält, die zwar verdächtig aussahen, aber ich sagte, ich solle es versuchen, weil ich es zurückschicken kann, wenn ich nicht glücklich bin. Ich bin froh, dass ich Quilts und Kissen ausprobiert habe. Die Decke ist sehr leicht, wie die Daunen, flauschig und sehr gemütlich. Am besten mit einem Buch darunter hocken! und es riecht sehr gut! Nicht als Schaf, nicht als Wolle! entgegengesetzte Empfehlungen lassen es 24-48 Stunden vor dem ersten Gebrauch luftig werden, ich habe es sofort verwendet. Vielen Dank Valeria Home, dass Sie existieren, dass Sie einen Job so gut zu einem Preis machen, sage ich, fantastisch!<br /> Fiind o persoana foarte friguroasă, m-am adapostit pana acum sub plapuma bunicii care-si facea bine treaba dar era foarte grea si transpiram destul de des. Asa ca am purces sa caut o alternativă. M-am indreptat atentia prima data spre pilotele din puf, dar am vazut vreo cateva, si cam zbura puful din ele, si mai ieftine, si foarte scumpe. plus ca are maica-mea una si cam fuge sa uniformizeze puful in ea desi este matlasata. sa revenim insa. am gasit ca varianta posibila pilota din lana. Exista cateva variante, dar de import. Pentru ca vroiam un produs romanesc am optat pentru Confort Merino, care am vazut ca avea foarte multe recomandari, ceea ce pt un produs romanesc, recunosc, mi s-a parut suspect, dar am zis sa incerc, ca daca nu e buna, o trimit inapoi. si tare bine-mi pare ca am incercat, si pilota si pernele. Pilota este foooooarte usoara, ca cele din puf, pufoasa, si fooooarte calduroasa. numai buna de ghemuit sub ea cu carte! si miroase bestial! Nu a oaie, nu a lana! contrar recomandarilor de a o lasa la aerisit 24-48 de ore inainte de prima folosire, am infatat-o imediat si m-am bagat sub cea, ca pisica dupa soba calda. Multumesc tare mult Valeria Home ca existati, ca faceti o treaba atat de buna, la un pret, zic eu, fantastic! (ca doar nu cumparam in fiecare an pilota!!!) Si pentru ca sunt reptila, eu una as fi curioasa rau sa incerc chiar si o pilota mai groasa, desi, repet, asta isi face treaba cu prisosinta!<br /> Ως άτομο πολύ κρύο, προστατευόμουν μέχρι τώρα κάτω από ένα παχύ βαρύ πάπλωμα - και έκανα καλή δουλειά, αλλά ήταν πολύ βαρύ και εφίδρωση αρκετά συχνά. Έτσι προχώρησα στην αναζήτηση μιας εναλλακτικής λύσης. Έστρεψα την προσοχή πρώτα στα παπλώματα των κάτω, αλλά είδα μερικά, και λίγο μύγα από αυτά, φθηνά και επίσης πολύ ακριβά, αλλά ας πάμε πίσω. Βρήκα το μάλλινο πάπλωμα ως πιθανή επιλογή. Υπάρχουν πολλές παραλλαγές, αλλά εισάγονται. Γι 'αυτό ήθελα ένα προϊόν και επέλεξα το Valeria Home, το οποίο θεωρούμε ότι έχει πάρα πολλές συστάσεις, οι οποίες, παραδέχομαι ότι φαινόταν ύποπτος, αλλά είπα να προσπαθήσω, γιατί μπορώ να το στείλω ξανά αν δεν είμαι χαρούμενος. Χαίρομαι που έχω δοκιμάσει παπλώματα και μαξιλάρια. Το πάπλωμα είναι πολύ ελαφρύ, όπως εκείνο στο κάτω μέρος, αφράτο και πολύ άνετο. Καλύτερα να καταλάβετε με το βιβλίο! και μυρίζει πολύ ωραία! Όχι ως πρόβατα, όχι σαν μαλλί! αντίθετες συστάσεις το επιτρέπουν να αερίζεται 24-48 ώρες πριν από την πρώτη χρήση, το χρησιμοποίησα αμέσως. Σας ευχαριστώ πολύ Valeria Home που έχετε, που κάνετε μια δουλειά τόσο καλή σε τιμή, ας πούμε, φανταστικά!<br /> Като човек, който беше много студен, бях подслон досега под дебела тежка завивка - и правех добър бизнес, но бях много тежък и се потя доста често. Затова продължих да търся алтернатива. Насочих вниманието първо към завивките за пух, но видях няколко, и малки мухи, евтини и също много скъпи, но нека се върнем назад. Открих вълнената завивка като възможен вариант. Има няколко варианта, но внос. За това исках продукт и избрах Valeria Home, който според нас има много препоръки, които признават, че изглеждах подозрителен, но казах да опитам, защото мога да го изпратя обратно, ако не съм доволен. Радвам се, че съм опитвал юргани и възглавници. Юрганът е много лек, като тези в пух, пухкав и много уютен. Най-добре да клякате под него с книга! и мирише много приятно! Не като овце, не като вълна! противоположните препоръки позволяват да се проветри 24-48 часа преди първата употреба, аз го използвах веднага. Благодаря ви много Valeria Home, че съществувате, че вършите работа толкова добра на цена, кажете аз, фантастично!<br /> <br />
Good evening, I received the order and I can't say how excited I am about such wonderful things and the correctness, quality and kindness of the staff. For my part, grade 10. I'll be back. Thank you so much!<br /> Bonsoir, j'ai reçu la commande et je ne peux pas dire à quel point je suis enthousiasmé par ces choses merveilleuses et l'exactitude, la qualité et la gentillesse du personnel. pour ma part, 10e année. Je reviens. Merci beaucoup! <br /> Buonasera, ho ricevuto l'ordine e non posso dire quanto sono entusiasta di cose così meravigliose e della correttezza, qualità e gentilezza del personale. Da parte mia, voto 10. Torno. Grazie mille!<br /> Guten Abend, Ich habe die Bestellung erhalten und kann nicht sagen, wie aufgeregt ich über so wundervolle Dinge und die Richtigkeit, Qualität und Freundlichkeit des Personals bin. Ich für meinen Teil, Klasse 10. Ich komme wieder. Ich danke dir sehr!<br /> Buna seara, am primit comanda si nu pot sa spun cat de incantata sunt de asa lucruri minunate si de corectitudine, calitate si amabilitatea personalului.Din partea mea nota 10.O sa mai revin.Multumesc din suflet.<br /> Καλησπέρα, έλαβα την παραγγελία και δεν μπορώ να πω πόσο ενθουσιασμένος είμαι για τόσο υπέροχα πράγματα και για την ορθότητα, την ποιότητα και την καλοσύνη του προσωπικού. Από την πλευρά μου, τάξη 10. Θα επιστρέψω. Σε ευχαριστώ πάρα πολύ!<br /> Добър вечер, получих поръчката и не мога да кажа колко се вълнувам от такива прекрасни неща и коректността, качеството и добротата на персонала. От моя страна, клас 10. Ще се върна. Много благодаря!
Recommend this product
Very good and warm I highly recommend and the pillows and duvets are extraordinary!<br /> Très bien et chaleureux je recommande vivement et les oreillers et couettes sont extraordinaires!<br /> Molto buono e caldo lo consiglio vivamente ei cuscini e i piumoni sono straordinari!<br /> Sehr gut und warm, ich kann es nur empfehlen und die Kissen und Bettdecken sind außergewöhnlich!<br /> Foarte bune și călduroase recomand cu drag și pernele și pilotele sunt extraordinare!<br /> Πολύ καλό και ζεστό, συνιστώ ανεπιφύλακτα και τα μαξιλάρια και τα παπλώματα είναι εξαιρετικά!<br /> Много добре и топло горещо препоръчвам, а възглавниците и завивките са изключителни!
The quilt has just arrived, we are fascinated by it!!! Thank you.<br /> La couette vient d'arriver, nous en sommes fascinés !!! Merci.<br /> La trapunta è appena arrivata, ne siamo affascinati !!! Grazie.<br /> Der Quilt ist gerade angekommen, wir sind fasziniert davon !!! Vielen Dank.<br /> Tocmai a ajuns pilota suntem fascinati de ea!!! Multumim.<br /> Το πάπλωμα μόλις έφτασε, είμαστε γοητευμένοι από αυτό!!! Ευχαριστώ.<br /> Юрганът току-що пристигна, ние сме очаровани от него!!! Благодаря ти.